Dr. Lester Packer, is the world's foremost antioxidant research scientist.
He is a senior scientist at the prestigious Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and Head of the Packer Lab at the University
of California, where he has been a professor for 35 years.
Dr. Packer is the executive editor of Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, and serves on the editorial advisory boards
of Free Radical Biology and Medicine, The Journal of Applied Nutrition, and The Journal of Optimal Nutrition. He is a member
of eight professional societies and is President of the International Society for Free Radical Research, and Vice President
of UNESCO's Global Network of Molecular and Cell Biology.
Dr. Packer has published over 700 scientific papers and 70 books on every aspect of antioxidants and health, including
the standard references "Vitamin E in Health and Disease", "Vitamin C in Health and Disease", "The
Handbook of Natural Antioxidants" and "Understanding the Process of Aging:The Roles of Mitochondria, Free Radicals,
and Antioxidants"
The International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) is produced by the Office of Dietary Supplements
at the National Institutes of Health to assist the public, health care providers, and researchers in locating credible, scientific
literature on dietary supplements.
Several hundred citations of the Packer Lab's work on the antioxidant network and gene regulation are in the peer reviewed
section of IBIDS database. They include:
Redox regulation of cell functions by alpha-lipoate: biochemical and molecular aspects.
Author: Roy S Packer L
Journal: Biofactors. 1998; 8(1-2): 17-21 1998 0951-6433
Networking antioxidants in the isolated rat heart are selectively depleted by ischemia-reperfusion.
Author: Haramaki N Stewart D Aggarwal S Ikeda H Reznick A Packer L
Journal: Free-Radic-Biol-Med. 1998 Aug; 25(3): 329-39 1998 0891-5849
Antioxidant regulation of gene expression: analysis of differentially expressed mRNAs.
Author: Gohil K, Roy S, Packer L, Sen CK
Journal: Methods Enzymol 1999;300:402-10
Cytokine-induced glucose uptake in skeletal muscle: redox regulation and the role of alpha-lipoic acid.
Journal:Am J Physiol 1999 May;276(5 Pt 2):R1327-33 Author:Khanna S, Roy S, Packer L, Sen CK
alpha-Lipoic acid: a metabolic antioxidant which regulates NF-kappa B signal transduction and protects against oxidative
Author: Packer L Journal:Drug Metab Rev 1998 May;30(2):245-75
Antioxidant and redox regulation of gene transcription
Author: Sen CK Packer L
Journal: FASEB-J. 1996 May; 10(7): 709-20 1996 0892-6638
Glutathione regulation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced NF-kappa B activation.
Author: Sen CK Khanna S Reznick AZ Roy S Packer L
Journal: Biochem-Biophys-Res-Commun. 1997 Aug 28; 237(3): 645-9 1997 0006-291X
Redox regulation of NF-kappa B activation.
Author: Flohe L Brigelius Flohe R Saliou C Traber MG Packer L
Journal: Free-Radic-Biol-Med. 1997; 22(6): 1115-26 1997 0891-5849
Title: Antioxidant and redox regulation of gene transcription.
Author: Sen CK Packer L
Journal: FASEB-J. 1996 May; 10(7): 709-20 1996 0892-6638